Call 626.460.0338  or email us today for your complimentary bookkeeping consultation | Helping Businesses Tell Their Financial Story Since 1998

Onsite or virtual bookkeeping services for small businesses,
non-profits and individuals

How we begin

During your complimentary consultation, we’ll complete an intake form that includes goal-setting. Based on your requirements, we’ll present you with a Working Agreement and Proposal, customized to your business needs.

Small business bookkeeping start-up

Transactions are entered each month going back to the start date you determine. You’ll receive a chart of accounts to produce financial statements and the training to key in future bookkeeping.

  • Establish accounts
  • Set-up accounts in QuickBooks
  • Link accounts to QuickBooks
  • Online Banking
  • Develop invoices
  • Create reports

Recurring bookkeeping management for small businesses

Our full-service package. We’ll create verified and reconciled reporting through virtual bookkeeping in addition to a Profit and Loss Statement.
You’ll receive a manual of tasks performed, empowering you with the knowledge of how your bookkeeping records work.

  • Accounts Payables & Receivables
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Income statement, balance sheet, general ledger
  • Financial Statement Preparation
  • Payroll

One-to-one small business bookkeeping training

We offer QuickBooks and bookkeeping training tailored to what makes the most sense for your business. You’ll receive a pdf copy of notes from the training and we’ll help you create a customized manual to use for your accounting. We offer workshops for PC and MAC users, at your office or our training space.

Customized Reports

Dependent on the needs of your business.

Project Accounting

One time set-up or organization of bookkeeping
Rescue services: troubleshooting and bookkeeping clean-up
Bank reconciliation

Accounting Bookkeeping Procedural Manual

Tailored to your accounting and bookkeeping requirements. This can be used by you or someone in your office to perform tasks.

Customized QuickBooks Set-Up

Enter client/customer and vendor information
Create reports
Procedural Manual

Working with CPAs

During tax season, we’re available to assist your tax preparer/CPA in finalizing your taxes. We know what CPAs want and always deliver what they need. In addition, we can do sales tax returns and 1099 and 1096 preparation.


Altadena, CA 91001

Contact Us

We would love to answer any questions or schedule a meeting. Please feel free to call us at 626.460.0338 or connect with us using the form below.

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